Microsoft DirectX 8.1 (C++)

CSourcePosition Class

CSourcePosition Class Hierarchy

CSourcePosition is an abstract class for implementing the IMediaPosition interface on a source filter.

This class is obsolete. If your source filter is seekable, it should expose the IMediaSeeking interface instead of IMediaPosition. You can use the CSourceSeeking base class for this purpose.

When CSourcePosition::put_CurrentPosition, CSourcePosition::put_StopTime, or CSourcePosition::put_Rate is called, CSourcePosition calls the pure virtual member function CSourcePosition::ChangeStart, CSourcePosition::ChangeStop, or CSourcePosition::ChangeRate, respectively. Override these functions in your derived class.

Protected Data Members

m_Duration Duration of the stream.
m_pLock Pointer to a CCritSec object for locking.
m_Rate Sample rate.
m_Start Start time.
m_Stop Stop time.

Member Functions

CSourcePosition Constructs a CSourcePosition object.

Overridable Member Functions

ChangeRate Override this pure virtual to handle notification that the rate property has changed.
ChangeStart Override this pure virtual to handle notification that the start position property has changed.
ChangeStop Override this pure virtual to handle notification that the stop position property has changed.

Implemented IMediaPosition Methods

get_CurrentPosition Not currently implemented.
get_Duration Retrieves the total duration of the media.
get_PrerollTime Not currently implemented.
get_Rate Retrieves the playback rate, relative to normal playback of the media.
get_StopTime Retrieves the position within the media at which playback should stop.
put_CurrentPosition Sets the position within the media at which playback should start.
put_PrerollTime Not currently implemented.
put_Rate Sets the playback rate, relative to normal playback of the media.
put_StopTime Sets the position within the media at which playback should stop.